IGARD PRIVATE LIMITED company details in Singapore Data Register for Companies. Find address and other contact information about IGARD PRIVATE LIMITED.
About IGARD PRIVATE LIMITED in Children's Services category (Company Registration Number: 200402323G)
IGARD PRIVATE LIMITED is a company registered in Singapore. To check the full profile, please click Company details.
Optometry Group based in Singapore with Australian, American, British and Local Qualifications. Vision Specialist O.D. in Behavioral Optometry, Pediatric Optometry, Vision Therapy, Orthokeratology Refractive Therapy, Children Myopia Control, Visual Aspects of Dyslexia, Low Vision, Neurodevelopmental Vision Rehabilitation, Strabismus and Amblyopia Therapy. Distributor for Vision Training, Prescription Safety Eyewear (Glasses/Polycarbonate), Baby and Children Eyewear, Expert Opinion on Computer Vision Syndrome, Visual Ergonomics Corporate Consultancy and Visual Stress, School-based Baby and Toddler Eye Screening
Please use this contact form if you'd like to reach IGARD PRIVATE LIMITED. Your message will be forwarded to the company. If they don't respond, you can find more contact information beside the map.